Signs of Human Trafficking


How do you know if someone is a victim of human trafficking? Here are some important signs, or indicators, that someone might be a human trafficking victim:

  • Seem to be restricted or controlled by someone else in the way they are communicating or acting.

  • Show fear, anxiety, depression, or stress.

  • Seem unfamiliar with their environment; don’t know their work or home address.

  • Believe that they can’t leave their home or work environment.

  • Appear to have no identification documents like driver’s license, family pictures, membership cards, or school ID (If school age).

  • Have limited contact with the outside world.

  • Work long hours while receiving little or no money for their services.

  • Show signs of physical or sexual abuse.

  • Are involved in gangs.

  • Have tattoos or “brands.”

  • Suddenly have expensive items that they say are gifts.

  • Are truant from school or don’t come home for days at a time.

*This list is not all inclusive. Also, not all of the indicators named above mean that the individual is actually a human trafficking victim.